Value-Added Catalogs
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- Line index measures for Galaxies:
The Oh, K., Sarzi, M., Schawinski, K, and Yi, S. K. 2011 ApJS 195, 13 Spectral line strength measurement database by the OSSY group
contains the values of spectral line measurements (stellar absorption
line strengths, nebular emission line fluxes, quality-assessment parameters,
velocity dispersions, line widths, sky-line contamination flag etc.).
The archived value added tables may be downloaded from here by clicking and saving:
A: Absorption line meaurements
B: Emission line measurements and velocity dispersions and
C: Fitting quality assessments
The contents of the data tables are described in the paper. The best fitting continuum files are also available upon request to the authors. User manuals and updates are available from the OSSY group website [gem.yonsei.ac.kr].
- Photometric Redshift 2 catalog, with probability distributions:
contains links to a text version of the photoz2 table of the CAS,
with additional columns representing the probability distribution
function (PDF) for each object with a photometric redshift. The
PDF for each object consists of values between 0 and 1 in 100
redshift bins which run from 0.03 to 1.47 where dz = 1.44/99. The
PDF information is only available as a value-added catalog,
whereas the photometric redshift catalog is available in the CAS
for SQL searches (joined to the main galaxy database). The
catalog was developed by Huan Lin of Fermilab, Carlos Cunha of the
University of Michigan and collaborators at the University of
Chicago: Cunha et al. (2009).
The README file contains column descriptions.
- NYU Value-Added Galaxy Catalog:
a cross-matched collection of galaxy catalogs, including the SDSS,
maintained for the study of galaxy formation and evolution. It includes
carefully constructed large-scale structure samples useful for calculating
power spectra, etc, and includes, e.g., the "LSS Sample12" described in
various Blanton et al. and Tegmark et al. SDSS papers.
- CMU-PITT SDSS Value Added Catalog (VAC):
a database that allows users to conduct scientific analyses on the SDSS spectroscopic galaxy data. It
allows for easy use of spectral information (i.e. emission line-widths), and
for anybody to upload Science Derivatives for SDSS galaxies.
(DR3 catalog)
- MPA/JHU value-added galaxy catalog:
contains results from a custom galaxy spectral fitting code (line fluxes, continuum indices,
line widths, EWs etc.) mostly written by Christy Tremonti and described in
Tremonti et al (2004).
The following derived data are also available:
- The 2SLAQ LRG Catalog: As described in
Cannon et al. 2006
(MNRAS, 372, 425 (2006)),
this is a spectroscopic survey of nearly 15,000 intermediate-redshift
luminous red galaxies (LRGs) brighter than i=19.8, selected
from SDSS photometry and observed with the 2dF spectrograph
on the AAT to probe higher redshift and lower luminosity
galaxies than the SDSS LRG sample, over an area of 180 deg2.
- A Catalog of Quasar Properties from SDSS DR7: We present a compilation of properties of the 105,783 quasars in the SDSS Data Release 7 (DR7) quasar catalog. In this value-added product, we compile continuum and emission line measurements around the Halpha, Hbeta, MgII and CIV regions, as well as other quantities such as radio properties, broad absorption line quasar (BALQSO) flags, and disk emitters. We also compile virial black hole mass estimates based on various calibrations. For the fiducial virial mass estimates we use the Vestergaard & Peterson (VP06) calibrations for Hbeta and CIV, and our own calibration for MgII which matches the VP06 Hbeta masses on average. We describe the construction of this catalog, and discuss its limitations. The catalog and its future updates will be made publicly available online.
- CIV 1550-region Broad Absorption Line quasar continuum reconstructions:
Non-negative Matrix Factorisation (NMF) reconstructions, as described
in Allen
et al. (2011), are available for 48146 quasar spectra. A FITS file
is provided for each quasar in DR6 with wavelength coverage allowing
the calculation of the CIV Balnicity Index (BI). The original SDSS
spectrum and an absorption-free `continuum' reconstruction that covers
the CIV emission and absorption regions are provided. See the
enclosed readme.txt
for more information.
- Sky-residual subtracted spectra generated using the
Wild and Hewett scheme of the SDSS
DR7 Legacy Release spectra of the objects in the
Schneider et al. (2010) quasar catalogue.
A total of 106006
spectra/objects are included and the release is described in
Wild and Hewett (2010).
- Redshifts for DR7 Quasars,
generated using the
Hewett and Wild scheme,
of the SDSS DR7 Legacy Release spectra of the objects in the
et al. (2010) quasar catalogue. A total of 107194 spectra/objects
are included. Release-specific information is described in the
README file.
- DR7 edition of the SDSS Quasar
Catalog: As decribed in Schneider
et al. 2010, this catalog contains 105,783
quasars from DR7 that have i-band luminosities brighter than -22,
at least one broad emission line, and highly reliable
redshifts. The catalog is now available in ASCII and FITS binary table format.
- Fourth edition of the SDSS Quasar
Catalog: As decribed in Schneider
et al. 2007, AJ 134, 102, this catalog contains 77,429
quasars from DR5 that have i-band luminosities brighter than -22,
at least one broad emission line, and highly reliable
redshifts. The catalog is now available in ASCII and FITS binary
table format.
- Type 2 (Obscured) Quasar
catalog: As reported in the paper Space Density of
Optically-Selected Type 2 Quasars by Reyes, Zakamska, Strauss et
al. 2008 (submitted to Astronomical Journal; arXiv:0801.1115). The
catalog contains 887 objects from post-DR5 data.
- Composite red quasar spectra: As described in Richards
et al. 2003, AJ 126, 1131, Red and Reddened Quasars in
the SDSS, these spectra are composites as a function of
relative g-i color, with input objects normalized
such that both the absolute magnitude and redshift distributions
are the same in like composites. We provide this tarball of composite red quasar
spectra for download.
- Composite broad-absorption line (BAL) quasar spectra: as a
function of BALQSO type from
et al. 2003, A Catalog of Broad Absorption Line Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky
Survey Early Data Release, AJ, 125, 1711 and Reichard
et al. 2003, AJ 126, 2594, Continuum and Emission-Line
Properties of Broad Absorption Line Quasars. We provide
this tarball of composite BAL
quasar spectra from the SDSS Early Data Relase; see the
enclosed README file for more information.
- SDSS Unusual BAL Quasars: A sample of 23 unusual Broad Absorption Line Quasars
has been assembled from both the SDSS EDR and some post-EDR data. Calibrated
SDSS and followup spectra of all 23 objects, plus IRAF and SM code for
calculating the traditional and revised balnicity indices, are available in a
gzipped tar file.
- The 2SLAQ Quasar Catalog:
As described in Croom et al. in press
(MNRAS, in press, ArXiv:0810.4955), this is a spectroscopic catalog of 16,326 objects, 8,764 of
which are quasars, selected from SDSS imaging and observed with the 2dF spectrograph
on the AAT to create a sample roughly 2.5 magnitudes deeper than the low-redshift (z<3)
SDSS spectroscopic quasar sample over an area of 192 deg2.
- DR7 Lyman-alpha Forest Continua:
As described in Lee, Suzuki, & Spergel
(submitted to AJ, ArXiv:0810.4955), this catalog gives continuum fits to quasar spectra
for use in studies of the Lyman-alpha forest.
Groups and Clusters
Stripe 82
The SDSS Coadd photometric redshift catalog, as reported
Reis et al. 2012, ApJ 747, 59 lists photometric redshifts for 13.5 million galaxies with r-band
magnitudes up to 24.5 in the SDSS Stripe 82 Coadd.
It adds photometric redshift information to the Coadd data reported
by Annis et al. 2012, ApJ in press, arXiv:1111.6619.
The catalog includes a FITS binary table (667MB, tarball available here) containing standard SDSS tags
plus photoz and photozerr, and an ascii table containing the estimated photoz
bias as a function of redshift.
The coadd images and catalogs are available at the
SDSS Data Archive Server and Stripe 82 Catalog Archive Server (CAS) (and see the stripe 82 run list notes for
information about accessing the stripe 82 catalogs).
The Light-Motion-Curve Catalogue (LMCC) and Higher-Level Catalogue (HLC):
described in
Light and motion in SDSS Stripe 82: the catalogues,
by Bramich, Vidrih, Wyrzykowski et al. 2008 MNRAS 386, 887.
- The
SDSS Stripe 82 Standard Star Catalog, as reported by Ivezic
et al. 2007, AJ 134, 973, lists positions and 1% ugriz
photometry for a million candidate standard stars from SDSS
stripe 82 (|Dec|<1.266 deg and RA in the range 20h 34m to 4h
00m; about 300 sq.deg.).
The SDSS-I Stripe 82 Variable Star Catalog, as reported by
et al. 2007, AJ 134, 2236, lists positions, ugriz photometry
(median magnitudes), and various low-order lightcurve statistics
for 13,051 candidate variable sources.
Supernova Light Curve Fits contains the light curve fit results
corresponding to Kessler et al 2009.
Solar System
- The Princeton spectra
are the newer of two parallel codes to determine spectroscopic classification and redshift; they are
also known as SpecBS. The determination of redshifts and classifications direct chi-squared fitting
of templates to spectra. These reductions are included in DR7, with documentation available
at the Princeton Spectra site.
- The SDSS
Orion data release contains imaging near the Galactic plane outside
of the nominal survey boundaries, and the runs are not part of the standard
SDSS data releases. This public release of about 470 square degrees includes
the star-forming region NGC 2068/NGC 2071/HH24 and a large part of Barnard's
loop. See
Finkbeiner et al. 2004 AJ 128, 2577
Last modified: Thurs Oct 2 14:04 ET 2008