Directory Structures
The location of files is described in the Directory
Structure page.
Survey Interface File Formats
Below are listed all files used by the current set of pipelines/processes,
grouped by process. Individual files may be repeated as they may be used
by more than one process; in this case, repeated listings include a
parenthesized reference to the process which first created it.
- mop
- mopPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- mtframes
- mtframesPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- excal
- excaliburPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- kali
- kaliPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- iop
- iopPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- bias
- biasPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- ssc
- sscPre outputs
- scPlan -- processing plan
- scParam -- tunable parameters
- koCat -- catalog of known bright stars
- additional inputs
- outputs
- scFang -- matching postage stamps
- scFrameList -- list of very bright star frames
- scFrame -- very bright star frames
- scWingList -- list of 200x200 bright star postage stamps
- scWing -- 200x200 bright star postage stamps
- scDiag -- diagnostics
- scTrans -- Rough TRANS from row, column to great circle coordinates
- ps
- psPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- psFF -- flat field vector
- psBB -- corrected bias vector
- psField -- photometric calibration by field
- psCT -- photometric calibration by time
- psFang -- matching postage stamps
- astrom
- astromPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- asTrans -- TRANS from row, column to great circle coordinates
- asQA -- diagnostics
- frames
- framesPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- fpFieldStat -- summary statistics for each field
- fpObjc -- limits
-- object lists
- fpC -- corrected frame
- fpBIN -- binned corrected frame
- fpM -- mask image
- fpAtlas -- atlas images
fpAtlasObj -- atlas image
of one object, extraced from the fpAtlas file by
obsolete version of the DAS. These files are no
longer created by new versions of the DAS, and the
file description has been removed.
- fcalib
- fcalibPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- ts
- tsPre inputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- export
- tsManual
- tile
- tilePre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- completeTile
- completeTilePre outputs
- ctPlan -- processing plan
- ctParam -- tunable parameters
- ctObjs -- potential targets in tile area
- additional inputs
- outputs
- plate
- platePre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- plPlugMap -- (modified)
- plOverlay -- Plug plate transparency overlay with connect-the-dot drawing
- plug
- plugPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- plateDb
- additional inputs
- outputs
- specDA
- sopPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- sdReport -- Spectro observing report
- sdR -- Raw spectro data frames
- idTapeSummary -- nightly log of what run/camcol is on which labeled tape
- idTarTape (Tar tape logs)
- opConfig (CCD readout configurations)
- opECalib (CCD electronic calibrations)
- opBC (CCD bad pixels)
- opCCDLog (CCD temperatures and voltages)
- idDaParam --- all the DA tunable parameters
- spectro2d
- spectro2dPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- spPlate -- combined spectra over all exposures
- spectro1d
- spectro1dPre outputs
- additional inputs
- outputs
- spSpec -- limits
-- line measurements and redshift determinations
- spPlot -- gif and ps plots of the spectra
- spDiag -- diagnostics
- spectrodp
- spectrodp inputs
- outputs
- spObj -- tsObj+spDiag+plPlugMapM files for each spectro object
- spAtlas -- atlas images for each spectro object
- stars-$label -- spObj for all objects spectro classed as stars
- gals-$label -- spObj for all objects spectro classed as galaxies
- qsos-$label -- spObj for all objects spectro classed as quasars
- unk-$label -- spObj for all objects spectro classed as sky or unkown
- main_gals-$label -- spObj for all objects spectro classed
as galaxies and targeted as main galaxies
- main_qsos-$label -- spObj for all objects spectro classed
as quasars and targeted as main quasars
- main_lrgs-$label -- spObj for all objects spectro classed
as galaxies and targeted as LRG
SQL Database Loading Architecture