Spectro 2D Pipeline Plan

File Format: FTCL parameter file

Name: spPlancomb.par

Produced by: Spectro-2D/SPPLAN1D

Used by: Spectro-2D/SPCOMBINE

Size: < 10 Kb

Archived? Yes


Processing plan to combine all spectroscopic reductions for a single plate with the same plugging. This can span several nights. There is one such plan file for each plate observed with the same plugging.


plateid  0266  # Plate number
MJD      51630  # Modified Julian Date for most recent observation
planfile2d  'spPlan2d-0266-51615.par' 'spPlan2d-0266-51630.par'  # Plan file(s) for 2D spectral reductions
planfilecomb 'spPlancomb-0266-51630.par'  # Plan file for combining spectra
extractdir ''  # Directory for extracted spectra
combinedir ''  # Directory for combined spectra
logfile    'spDiagcomb-0266-51630.log'  # Text log file
plotfile   'spDiagcomb-0266-51630.ps'  # PostScript log file
fcalibprefix 'spFluxcalib-0266-51630'  # Prefix for flux-calibration files
combinefile   'spPlate-0266-51630.fits'  # Output combined spectra file
plotsnfile        'spSN2d-0266-51630.ps'  # Two page S/N and magnitude plot
snfile        'spSN2d-0266-51630.fits'  # Small fits file with S/N numbers

typedef struct {
 int MJD;
 char MAPNAME[14];
 char FLAVOR[8];
 float EXPTIME;
 char NAME[4][25];

SPEXP 266 51615 0266-51615-01 science 900.000 { spFrame-b1-00003046.fits spFrame-b2-00003046.fits spFrame-r1-00003046.fits spFrame-r2-00003046.fits }
SPEXP 266 51630 0266-51615-01 science 900.000 { spFrame-b1-00003238.fits spFrame-b2-00003238.fits spFrame-r1-00003238.fits spFrame-r2-00003238.fits }
SPEXP 266 51630 0266-51615-01 science 900.000 { spFrame-b1-00003239.fits spFrame-b2-00003239.fits spFrame-r1-00003239.fits spFrame-r2-00003239.fits }
SPEXP 266 51630 0266-51615-01 science 900.000 { spFrame-b1-00003240.fits spFrame-b2-00003240.fits spFrame-r1-00003240.fits spFrame-r2-00003240.fits }
SPEXP 266 51630 0266-51615-01 science 900.000 { spFrame-b1-00003241.fits spFrame-b2-00003241.fits spFrame-r1-00003241.fits spFrame-r2-00003241.fits }