
SDSS List of Key Projects
1997 February 1
- Large scale structure
- The power spectrum and two-point correlation function
- Redshift-space distortions
- Higher order clustering measures: correlation functions,
counts-in-cells distributions (a.k.a. PDFs), moments, etc.
- Topology
- Species-dependence of galaxy clustering, and the
morphology-density relation
- Angular power spectrum and correlation function of the photometric
- Clusters of Galaxies
- The cluster catalogs:
- clusters identified in redshift space from the redshift
- clusters from the northern photometric catalog, with measured
redshifts from the BRG survey
- clusters from the northern photometric catalog, without
- clusters from the co-added southern survey
- Cross-correlation with ROSAT and other catalogs
- Power spectrum and two-point correlation function of the
- Identification and cataloging of superclusters and voids
- Cluster evolution
- Groups of galaxies
- Quasars
- Evolution of the quasar luminosity function
- Spatial clustering of quasars as a function of redshift
- Galaxies
- Principal component analysis
- Distribution functions (e.g., luminosity function, joint
luminosity-diameter function, ...)
- Galaxy properties and their dependence on the environment
- Galaxy counts and evolution