Corrected Bias Vector

File Format: FITS image

Name:, where rrrrrr is the imaging run number (of the calibration run which produced the vector), b is the filter used (u, g, r, i, or z), c is the column location in the Imaging Array of the CCD which acquired the data (1-6), and ffff is the file number.

Produced by: ps

Used by: frames

Size: 8640 bytes per file. For a single calibration of all photometric chips, and for a single field, there are 30 files created for a total of 259.2 Kb.

Archived? Tracked file.


There is one psBB bias vector (a.k.a. "better bias") per chip per field. The original bias vectors, idB* files, are determined from calibration runs. Corrected bias vectors, psBB* files, are (optionally) produced by PSP which adds the scattered light correction to the original bias vectors. The pixel values are stored as unsigned integers. The TSCALE keyword gives the amount by which each pixel value has been multiplied; e.g., if TSCALE = 32, then each pixel value in the image is 32 times larger than the true value.

Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T
BITPIX  =                   16
NAXIS   =                    2
NAXIS1  =                 2128
NAXIS2  =                    1
BZERO   =                32768
BSCALE  =                    1
BUNITS  = 'ADUs x TSCALE'     
TSCALE  =                   32
TSHIFT  =                  XXX / Scale factor to increase precision
DERV_VER= 'XXX     '
ASTR_VER= 'XXX     '           / Version of astrom used
VERSION = 'XXX     '           / Version of photo used 
FF_ID   = 'XXX     '           / a copy of PS_ID from supplied flatfield 
SSC_ID  = 'XXX     '           / SSC pipeline run identifier 
ASTRO_ID= 'XXX     '           / Astrometric pipeline run identifier
BIAS_ID = 'XXX     '           / Bias pipeline run identifier 
PS_ID   = 'XXX     '           / Postage stamp pipeline run identifier 
RUN     =                  XXX / Imaging run number 
CAMCOL  =                  XXX / Column in the imaging camera 
CAMROW  =                  XXX / Row in the imaging camera 
FILTER  = 'XXX     '           / Filter (u, g, r, i, or z) 
EXCAL_ID= 'XXX     '           / Excal pipeline run identifier (optional) 
KALXX_ID= 'seqId kali_id'      / Kali pipeline run identifier for patch XX