Copy the html instructions listed below the line and paste them into a blank document. Use this as the framework within which to create each trip report.
A trip report number will be assigned by Bill Boroski. Please contact him by e-mail at, or by phone at (630) 840-4344.
<HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Microsoft Word 97"> <META NAME="Template" CONTENT="C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT OFFICE\OFFICE\"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I) [Netscape]"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Author's Name"> <TITLE>Trip Report - title of report</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#800080"> <DIV ALIGN=right>TR-YY000</DIV> <CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+1>SDSS Trip Report</FONT></B><BR> <BR></CENTER> <CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>Title Goes Here</FONT></B></CENTER> <CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Date of Trip</FONT></B><BR> <BR></CENTER> <CENTER>Authors</CENTER> <CENTER>Institution</CENTER> <CENTER>Institution Address</CENTER> <CENTER> <HR></CENTER> <P>Your Trip Report Goes Here</P> <HR SIZE=4 WIDTH="100%"> <BR>Comments regarding this trip report should be addressed to
<A HREF="mailto:address@whatever.what">Author's Name</A> at Author's Phone <P><I><FONT SIZE=-1>Last modified mm/dd/yy</FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF=""></A></FONT></I> </body> </html>