Spectro Pipeline Plan

File Format: FTCL parameter file

Name: spPlan.par

Produced by: opdb

Used by: spectro

Size: < 10 Kb.

Archived? Yes


Processing plan to control the spectro pipeline. Each plan targets the data from one night's spectroscopic observations.


In addition to the generic plan keywords, the following keywords are required.
seqBegin            XXX                 # Starting sequence number. 
seqEnd 		    XXX		        # Ending sequence number (inclusive). 

# Processing Parameters
verbose             1                   # verbose > 0 means print a lot
display             0                   # display > 0 means show various
                                        #   images as the pipeline progresses,
                                        #   waiting for user input after 
                                        #   displaying each one
diagnostics         1                   # if > 0, do create a file with
                                        #   diagnostic output from each field
diagFile            spDiag              # prefix of the file into which 
                                        #   diagnostic output will be placed.
                                        #       spDiag.par

mjd		   XXX

inputDir	   'XXX'		# where are the raw .fit images
templateDir	   'XXX'		# where are the template files
templateFile	   'XXX'		# format of template file names

reportFile	   'XXX'		# name of sdReport-MJD.par file

plugDir		   'XXX'		# directory where tsPlugMap files
				        # may be found
plugFile	   'XXX'		# prefix of plug map file

# CCD configuration files
configDir           'XXX'		# directory for ccd calibration files
ccdConfig           'XXX'               # amplifier configuration
ccdECalib           'XXX'               # electronic calibrations
ccdBC               'XXX'               # bad pixels

outputDir          'XXX'		# where should the output go (top dir)