Final Photometric Calibration

File Format: FITS binary table

Name:, where rrrrrr is the imaging run number and c is the column location in the Imaging Array of the CCD which acquired the data (1-6).

Produced by: fcalib

Used by:

Size: 2 * 2880 + (Nfields * 164 {rounded up to nearest multiple of 2880 bytes}). Total of 169.92 Kb for a final calibration run with 1000 fields.

Archived? Yes


A final photometric calibration, matching photo frames to MT calibration patches. See the data model page for "psCT" files for a description of the "KALXX_ID" keywords.

Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T
BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    0
EXTEND  =                    T
VERSION = 'XXX     '           / Version of software used.
FRAME_ID= 'XXX     '           / Frames pipeline run identifier.
ASTRO_ID= 'XXX     '           / Astrometric pipeline run identifier.
FCALI_ID= 'XXX     '           / Final photometric calibration run identifier.
FIELD0  =                  XXX / First field processed.
NFIELDS =                  XXX / Number of fields processed.
RUN     =                  XXX / Imaging run number.
CAMCOL  =                  XXX / Column in the imaging camera.

EXCAL_ID= 'XXX     '           / Excal pipeline run identifier.
KALXX_ID= 'kali_id'            / Kali pipeline run identifier for patch XX

Table Header

There is one HDU of this type.

BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    2
NAXIS1  =                  188
NAXIS2  =                  XXX
PCOUNT  =                    0
GCOUNT  =                    1
TFIELDS =                   11

FILTERS = 'u g r i z'          / Filter order in arrays.

TFORM1  = '1J      '          
TTYPE1  = 'field   '           / Field sequence number within the run.
TFORM2  = '1J      '          
TTYPE2  = 'seqId   '           / Sequence id overlapping this field (-1=none)
TFORM3  = '5J      '          
TTYPE3  = 'numStar '           / Number of matching secondary stars in field
TFORM4  = '5E      '          
TTYPE4  = 'a       '           / Zero-point. (unit: mag)
TFORM5  = '5E      '          
TTYPE5  = 'aErr    '           / Zero-point. (error) (unit: mag)
TFORM6  = '5E      '          
TTYPE6  = 'b       '           / Color term. (unit: mag)
TFORM7  = '5E      '          
TTYPE7  = 'bErr    '           / Color term. (error) (unit: mag)
TFORM8  = '5E      '          
TTYPE8  = 'c       '           / Color x extinction term. (unit: mag)
TFORM9  = '5E      '          
TTYPE9  = 'cErr    '           / Color x extinction term. (error) (unit: mag)
TFORM10 = '5E      '          
TTYPE10 = 'k       '           / Extinction coefficient. (unit: mag)
TFORM11 = '5E      '          
TTYPE11 = 'kErr    '           / Extinction coefficient. (error) (unit: mag)