Value-Added Catalogs
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- Third edition of the SDSS
Quasar Catalog As decribed in Schneider
et al. 2005 (AJ 130, 367) , this catalog contains 46,420 quasars from
DR3 that have i-band luminosities brighter than -22, at least one
broad emission line, and highly reliable redshifts. The catalog
is now available in ASCII and FITS binary table format. It
supersedes the previous Second
edition of the SDSS Quasar Catalog.
- Composite red quasar spectra As described in Richards
et al. (2003, AJ 126, 1131), Red and Reddened Quasars in
the SDSS, these spectra are composites as a
function of relative g-i color, with input objects
normalized such that both the absolute magnitude and redshift
distributions are the same in like composites. We provide this
tarball of composite red quasar
spectra for download.
- Composite broad-absorption line (BAL) quasar spectra as a
function of BALQSO type from Reichard et al. 2003, A Catalog
of Broad Absorption Line Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky
Survey Early Data Release, AJ,
125, 1711 and Reichard
et al. (2003, AJ 126, 2594), Continuum and Emission-Line
Properties of Broad Absorption Line Quasars. We provide
this tarball of composite BAL
quasar spectra from the SDSS Early Data Relase; see the
enclosed README file for more information.
- SDSS Unusual BAL Quasars A sample of 23 unusual Broad
Absorption Line Quasars has been assembled from both the SDSS EDR and
some post-EDR data, totalling approximately 8000 quasar spectra. No
further examples of the five categories of unusual BAL quasars
discussed in the paper could be found among the data inspected, at
least for spectra with SNR at least 6 per pixel in at least one of the
g, r, or i bands (see section 4 of the paper). The paper also presents
a revised balnicity index for deciding whether a quasar is a BAL
quasar or not.
Calibrated SDSS and followup spectra of all 23 objects, plus
IRAF and SM code for calculating the traditional and revised balnicity
indices, are available in a gzipped tar file.
Questions regarding the BAL quasar work can be addressed to the lead
author, Pat Hall (pathall@astro.princeton.edu),
of Princeton University.
- DR1 White Dwarf catalog as reported by
et al. 2004, ApJ 607, 426 A Catalog of Spectroscopically
Identified White Dwarf Stars in the First Data Release of the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (also available at astro-ph/0402209).
- The 3rd
release of the SDSS Moving
Object Catalog (MOC) lists astrometric and
photometric data for 204,305 moving objects observed prior to June
2004. Of those, 67,637 are linked to 43,424 unique objects from
the ASTORB file, and their orbital
elements are also listed. This is a cumulative release, and it
supersedes the previous versions (first
MOC release and second
MOC release).
- SDSS Cut & Enhance
galaxy cluster catalog The Sloan Digital Sky
Survey CE galaxy cluster catalog (Goto
et al. 2002, AJ 123, 1807) uses color cuts
combined with a density enhancement algorithm to detect clusters
of galaxies. The SDSS CE galaxy cluster catalog contains an
estimated redshift and richness for each cluster found in 350
sq. deg. of SDSS commissioning data.
- NYU Value-Added
Galaxy Catalog The NYU Value-Added Galaxy Catalog (NYU-VAGC)
is a cross-matched collection of galaxy catalogs, including the
SDSS, maintained for the study of galaxy formation and evolution. It
includes carefully constructed large-scale structure samples useful
for calculating power spectra, etc, and includes, e.g., the "LSS
Sample12" described in various Blanton et al. and Tegmark
et al. SDSS papers. The SDSS data used have been reduced independently from the
official SDSS reductions included in DR2/DR3, especially in photometric
calibration, but the differences are minor. There is also a
page describing the results of Blanton et al.'s
determination of the SDSS galaxy luminosity function.
Value Added Catalog (VAC) database is a database which
allows users to conduct scientific
analyses on the SDSS spectroscopic galaxy data. It allows for
easy use of spectral information (i.e. emission line-widths),
and for anybody to upload Science Derivatives for SDSS
value-added galaxy catalog contains results from a custom galaxy
spectral fitting code (line fluxes, continuum indices (raw, emission
line subtracted, from best-fit model and interpolated to remove
effects from sky lines), line widths, EWs etc.) mostly written
by Christy Tremonti and described in Tremonti
et al (2004). In addition, the following types of derived data are
also available:
Finally, the MPA/JHU group has correlated the SDSS to the HST
Exposure Time Catalogues and provide files for matching to
the above spectroscopic data as well as the DR4 imaging.
- The SDSS
Orion data release contains imaging near the Galactic plane
outside of the nominal survey boundaries. These additional data
were obtained during commissioning
and subsequent testing of the SDSS observing system, and they provide
unique wide-area imaging data in regions of high obscuration and star
formation, including numerous young stellar objects, Herbig-Haro
objects and young star clusters. Because these data are outside the
Survey regions in the Galactic caps, they are not part of the standard
SDSS data releases. This public release of about 470
square degrees includes the star-forming region NGC 2068/NGC
2071/HH24 and a large part of Barnard's loop.
- The Princeton spectra
are an alternate reduction of the DR1 spectra. The 2d reductions
are essentially identical, but the determination of redshifts
and classifications uses an independent code doing direct
chi-squared fitting of templates to spectra.
- The SuperCOSMOS
Science Archive holds the object catalog data extracted
from scans of photographic Schmidt survey plates of the southern
sky. The SSA catalog includes links to cross-identifications
from the SDSS EDR and DR1, USNO-B and 2MASS final data release
Last modified: Mon Apr 10 21:41:16 BST 2006